Release and Receive: A Prayer to Align, Attract & Ascend
I am ready to unleash all that's tying me down right now. I feel reborn. awakened to my wholeness.
I am well and ready for anything. I am open, receptive to my perfect path guiding me to my version of happily ever after, my version of wellbeing.
No longer Am I going to block what's meant for me or allow anyone else to. I am grateful for the insight and strength to persevere in the face of challenges.
I am grateful, for universal intelligence, you always illuminate the truth and that is, I am worthy. I am worthy of peace of mind. I am worthy of good health, connection, love, peace, prosperity, and protection.
I am grateful to be free of the chains that tied me to unhealthy and false patterns in my mind, words and behaviors.
I am here, alive, I am ready. It is time to become one with my higher self, time to elevate how I operate and consciously construct life reimagined.