Redefining the Human Experience Through Pleasure: The Role of Experience Design & Storytelling

In a world obsessed with hustle culture and relentless productivity, the notion of pleasure often feels like an afterthought—reserved for weekends, vacations, or fleeting indulgences. But what if pleasure were central to how we live, lead, learn, and love? What if it were the spark that transforms mundane routines into moments of growth, connection, and innovation?

Our human existence – at least here in the Western world – seems to be increasingly defined by complexity and disconnection, yet we know the way we design and share experiences shapes the quality of our lives. As an educator-turned-experience designer and storyteller, I’ve seen firsthand how intentional, well-crafted experiences can unlock individual potential, build bridges through meaningful dialogue, and generate fresh ideas – to name a few benefits.

After taking an unconventional leap into a year-long sabbatical that required sacrifices across every aspect of my life, I unexpectedly spent much of my time exploring how purposeful pleasure can be a driver of holistic wellbeing and societal transformation. The answer lies in rethinking our approach, integrating experience design and storytelling into every facet of our personal and professional lives.

Yet, despite their profound impact, experience design and storytelling remain underutilized tools in shaping how we learn, lead, and innovate. It's time we change that.

The Science of Pleasure: More Than Just a Luxury

Neuroscience tells us that pleasure isn’t just a feel-good state—it’s a powerful motivator for human behavior. When we experience pleasure, the brain releases dopamine, enhancing focus, creativity, and emotional resilience. Studies have shown that positive emotional states can significantly improve learning outcomes, decision-making, and collaboration.

For example, Google’s renowned 20% Time policy, which encourages employees to pursue personal passion projects, has birthed innovations like Gmail and Google News. By creating an environment where curiosity and joy thrive, they’ve demonstrated that pleasure isn’t a distraction—it’s a driver of success.

Experience Design: Crafting Meaningful Encounters

At its core, experience design is about creating intentional, emotionally resonant interactions that leave lasting impressions. Think of how Apple reimagined the retail experience with its minimalist, interactive stores or how wellness brand Calm uses sensory design to turn a simple meditation app into a sanctuary for the mind. These are not just services; they are experiences that engage, inspire, and elevate.

In my own work, I’ve used experience design to transform classrooms, corporate wellness programs, and community spaces into environments where people feel seen, valued, and inspired. By integrating sensory elements like lighting, sound, and scent, we can evoke pleasure, deepen focus, and foster genuine connection.

Storytelling: The Universal Human Connector

Stories are how we make sense of the world. They build empathy, foster connection, and inspire action. Take Patagonia, for instance—a brand that doesn’t just sell outdoor gear but weaves stories of environmental stewardship into its marketing, fostering a loyal community of changemakers.

In education and leadership, storytelling has the power to bridge divides and create shared meaning. I’ve seen firsthand how sharing my own journey—of leaving academia, embracing the discomfort of vulnerability, and pursuing pleasure as a form of self-reclamation—has inspired others to rethink their narratives. Storytelling isn’t just about telling; it’s about inviting others to see themselves in the story.

Pleasure as a Catalyst for Wellbeing, Learning, and Leadership

Purposefully pursuing pleasure is a radical act of self-care and collective growth. Imagine a future where educators design curricula that engage students’ senses, where workplaces prioritize joy and belonging, and where leaders use storytelling to inspire collaboration across cultural and generational lines.

This isn’t a utopian dream—it’s already happening. Brands like Airbnb and Disney are redefining hospitality and entertainment through immersive storytelling. Companies like IDEO are using human-centered design to create solutions that blend functionality with delight.

At the intersection of pleasure, experience design, and storytelling lies the potential to:

  • Elevate Wellbeing: Pleasure reduces stress and builds emotional resilience, enabling us to thrive in uncertain times.

  • Foster Creativity: Joyful, engaging environments are the breeding grounds for innovative ideas.

  • Strengthen Connection: Shared experiences and stories deepen empathy and create bonds that transcend differences.

  • Inspire Leadership: Visionary leaders understand that humanity—not profit—drives lasting change.

A Vision for the Future

As I develop the Purposefully Pursuing Pleasure enrichment offerings, my mission is to create spaces where pleasure becomes the foundation for transformative experiences. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, storytelling, and immersive design, this program will equip participants to reimagine how we live, lead, learn, and love.

It’s time we move beyond survival and embrace pleasure as a pathway to collective flourishing. This isn’t just about feeling good—it’s about doing good, innovating boldly, and connecting deeply.

Let’s craft a world where pleasure is no longer the exception but the rule. After all, the human experience deserves nothing less.

About the Author:

Marisha Dixon is an educator turned experience designer and storyteller whose work bridges the intersections of multi-sensory pleasure-centered wellbeing and social impact. Her mission is to create evocative experiences that celebrate human vulnerability and resilience, inviting individuals and organizations to reimagine the power of pleasure.

Ms. Marisha

I curate collaborations, curate meaningful conversations, and craft enrichment experiences that elevate purpose-drive people and brands.


A Commitment to Myself: Purposefully Pursuing Pleasure at 40